Debts That Are Not Dischargeable in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Though you may be able to discharge a number of burdensome debts through Chapter 7 bankruptcy, not all debts are dischargeable through this process. For instance, most student loan debts, alimony, child support payments, unpaid taxes, or debts owed on tax-advantaged retirement plans will not be discharged in Chapter 7 bankruptcy under normal circumstances.

While these non-dischargeable debts may be discharged under very rare circumstances, they must typically be paid in full even after filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. However, these debts may typically be restructured into repayment plans that will be more realistic for individual debtors.

If you are considering whether to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy in the Waco area, you should consult with an experienced Waco Chapter 7 bankruptcy attorney at Erin B. Shank, P.C., before you make a significant decision about your financial situation. To speak with a member of the firm today, please call our offices today.

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